Several years ago, we were approached by All Out Africa, based at Hout Bay Backpackers, to see if we could use any of their international volunteers.  There are many time consuming tasks which our team struggle to have time to do from ironing teabags to packing angels to stuffing  ‘ plastic handles’  for our unique range of handbags.

We have been blessed to have become aquainted with many volunteers. They come from many countries and are of all ages spending anything from a couple of days to several months with us. We certainly benefit from their help, but know that they leave having made many new friends, having mastered a little Xhoza, appreciating how much work goes into our products- but more importantly feel that they have made a small difference in the lives of others and experienced the real Africa!  Each one has given their free time to help with poorer communities and each one has left us with special memories.

Little Angels Painting groups

Tea Bag team in painting gear

all out africa footer 2 We were invited to  join All Out Africa in spending 67 minutes to honour Madiba by painting several walls of the Little Angels Creche in the harbour. So Tea Bag tools were put down for the afternoon and for most this was the first time ever to paint on a wall.We left feeling very pleased with ourselves – but very tired.  It’s harder to paint a wall than a Tea Bag!We have decided that this must not just be a once a year event. We all feel blessed to have jobs and therefore good to give back, especially exciting to work in a different community to where everyone lives –  true Mandela spirit!     


Little Angels shed

The Little Angels Creche wall – a work in progress


 Maybe this wall needs a few more flowers and we will be returning soon to complete our artwork.